Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Coupons for the troops from completelycoupons.net!!


CompletelyCoupons.net is part of an awesome program to send expired coupons to troops and their families!! Check the website out to see how you can help! You can also check out their facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/CompletelyCouponsnet/139192102816688?ref=ts#!/pages/CompletelyCouponsnet/139192102816688?sk=wall

This is a new progam we will be taking a part in. The more Coupons we can get the more we can help our military families.
If you would like to be apart of completely Coupons Coupons for the troop program Here are the requirements.

1)  Mail your expired coupons to: Completely Coupons PO box 880895 Boca Raton Fl 33488
2)  Send me all coupons that expired.  (Try to send no later then a month, but stores will accept up to 6mos expired)
3)  Do not send printable coupons or store coupons
4)  Please cut your coupons out and then separate your coupons into two categories Food or Nonfood.  This will make it much easier for me to get them sent as quickly as possible. Also if there are coupons in the paper you do not use, and you have some spare time please cut these as well, the more we can get sent the better.
  • Food is considered anything eaten by humans 
  • Nonfood is considered toiletries, dog food or cat food, vitamins, medicine, etc.

That is all you have to do!  I will also be sending a few monthly care packages each month from what I get from my couponing adventures, so if you or your children would like to write a note to include in the packages I am sure it would be greatly Appreciated.

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